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Find out how safe you are for people

different from yourself!








 CEI, Cultural Engagement Indicator


Build Informed Personal, Community, & Business Relationships



Hire more relationally qualified employees, enjoy your community, use it to find a culturally competent date! 






The CEI is a self-reported quiz on your acquired knowledge, experience, and advocacy level for every demographic. 







Your Grain of Salt - Take it!

Intention and Impact don't always line up and we often hurt each other unintentionally. You can use our CEI tool to see how much negative impact/harm you may be causing (with a low score,) or how much you're helping with a higher score. Most Americans score around a 3.5 due to our reliance on supremacy mindsets & values.




CEI Story and Evolution


The CEI started as a tool to help future leaders assess their effectiveness & impact with various demographics. After at least 30 iterations and countless of paid input providers, we've created something everyone can use! 




Keep in mind:

Nobody gets a perfect score! The only people even capable of that kind of score are world leaders who are not only tasked with representing everyone, they are doing so in an informed, compassionate, and loving way.


If you don't like your score, try to give yourself a little compassion - and then get to work! Check our Lineage Page to see Defiance Exchange supported services or set aside some of your own time to an online search to learn how you can be a safer, more engaged community member!




Email to get in as a CEI alpha tester!


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